The QMEE management team come from across the 5 lead institutions.

Samraat Pawar is Reader in Theoretical Biology at Imperial College London and Director of QMEE. He works on Ecological Metabolic Theory and effects of metabolic constraints on dynamical ecological systems, from populations to complex ecosystems.  

Manuela Gonzalez Suarez  is Lecturer in Ecological Modelling at the University of Reading and Deputy Director of QMEE. She works on understanding and predicting the current loss of biodiversity.


Sandy HarrisonSandy Harrison is Professor of Global Palaeoclimates and Biogeochemical Cycles at the University of Reading and Director of Selection for the QMEE CDT. She works on global vegetation modelling and reconstructing past climates.

JamesJames Rosindell is Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College London and the CDT Training Director.  He is a biodiversity theorist with a particular interest in ecological neutral theory and its varied applications.

Steven WhiteSteven White is QMEE lead at the NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). He works on mathematical models of population dynamics, ecology and evolution, including invasive species, insect vectors and pathogens.

RobinRobin Freeman is QMEE lead at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). His research spans many disciplines from understanding the status and trends of global biodiversity, the creation of new kinds of technology for monitoring and tracking animals in the wild, to remote fieldwork utilising those technologies and new methods for analysing and interpreting data.

QMEE leads for the Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) are David BassChris Lynam and Georg Engelhard.

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